Shu Shin Bou: Taoyuan Cake Tourism Factory

Cafe in Shu Shin Bou Tourism Factory

Shu Shin Bou 手信坊 (shǒu xìn fāng) is one of Taiwan’s most beloved brands. Ranging from mochi to pancakes, and extending into other processed foods, this brand covers an astounding amount of the snack industry in Taiwan and abroad.

The focus of this tourism factory, however, is dessert. Often seen in 7-11 and FamilyMart, these Japanese cream filled sweet breads and cakes are popular among all walks of life. Why not come see how they’re made and maybe nab a few for the ride back?

Whether its nearly Mid-Autumn Festival or Lunar New Year, there’s always a good reason to explore a cake tourism factory. Stock up on goodies like mooncake and pineapple cake to celebrate all the holidays – even the weekend! – with your friends and family!

Where is Shu Shin Bou’s Factory?

Though there are actually several Shu Shin Bou factories and specialty stores throughout Taiwan, this factory is a little bit special. Rather than your basic factory tour, 手信霧隱城 as the factory is known, takes the visitor into Shu Shin – the Hidden City of Fog (this is what it translates into).

Rather than referencing a specific city, this phrase is in reference to ancient Japan. Picture a remote Japanese village of wooden houses nestled together on the mountainside, and a thick white mist obscuring the view. If you can’t picture it, check out our image for Shanlinxi in Nantou for some imagination help. See it yet? That’s 霧隱城 (wù yǐn chéng).

tourism factory parking
Outside area of the Shu Shin Bou tourism factory

It’s no wonder then that the atmosphere created for this tourism factory is one that reflects Japanese culture. This becomes apparent to the visitor right from the get-go, as depicted by the artwork on the exterior factory walls.

Admission to Taoyuan’s Cake Tourism Factory

Parking for the factory is free with the purchase of a ticket. Though there are variations in price depending on the day (weekday or holiday), the full price of an adult ticket is $200 – which is also a coupon of the same value for the gift shop.

Upon entry to the factory/museum, visitors are gifted complimentary goodies, like sweet pancakes filled with Hokkaido Milk cream. Visitors are also stared down by Mr Samurai.

Giant Samurai saying hi

Features of Shu Shin Bou Tourism Factory

The tour begins by introducing ancient Japan through figures like Tengu and the Samurai using screens and sculptures. For those of you who don’t know, Tengu is a supernatural figure popular in Japanese folklore. We saw it in Xitou Monster Village, and wrote about it in this article.

Japanese Dress Rental

Walking further down the tour route, visitors will come across this dress rental sign. Since the company itself is Japanese and the visiting route is mimicking Japan and its culture, it seems an appropriate time to get fully immersed in the setting.

More details for dress rental are as follows:

  • Adults $200 for a full outfit, which includes one yukata (tunic), one pair of clogs, and a choice of one of the following: hair accessories, handbag, sword, or fan.
  • Children$100 for the full outfit, which includes one yukata (tunic), and a choice of one of the following: hair accessories, handbag, sword, or fan.
  • Accessories$50 for hair accessories, handbag, sword, or fan.
  • Add-on Accessories$100 for white socks (non-returnable).

Visitors are welcome to use their ticket coupons to pay for the dress rental.

Japanese dress rental available during the tour

Product Creation

手信坊 tourism factory offers visitors a lot more than just a walk into Japanese culture. On the upper floor of the tour route, visitors are able to learn the production process and watch as different products are made.

Forming the pancake for the cream filled pancakes
Chocolate cookies heading to the next stage of the production process
Hard at work or hardly working?

DIY Cake

The tourism factory also holds multiple daily DIY cake making classes. Classes take place at 11am, 1:30pm, 3pm, and 4:30pm, and can be booked online on the Shu Shin Bou company website. Classes cost $150 per person.

DIY activities

Gift Shop & Cafe

Visitors can spend their ticket coupon in the gift shop and cafe, both found at the end of the tour route. With seemingly unlimited variations of speciaty cakes and snacks, this is the perfect opportunity to buy gifts for relatives and friends.

Photo Ops

Perhaps one of the most reoccuring figures throughout the tourism factory is the cream-sandwich-pancake man (below). He may have a name, but for now he’s sandwich man. Snap a picture with the little dude outside, if the weather permits, as he’s the final stop on this Taoyuan cake tourism factory tour for Shu Shin Bou.


Shu Shin Bou Taoyuan tourism factory is a pleasant experience for couples and families, and even the curious individual. It should only take about one hour of your time, unless you’re doing a DIY, so it’s a pretty short adventure process. With this in mind, though it’s an informative and satisfying experience, the likelihood of returning within the year is slim, so we’ve given it an 8.4 rating out of 10.

Nevertheless, for free sweets and a look at how a dessert factory functions, we highly recommend visiting this Taoyuan factory!

Open hours:Mon to Fri: 8am to 5pm.
Closed Sat and Sun.
Important Information

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Want More?

Interested in exploring Taoyuan’s other factories? We’re making a list here!

Let us know if you happen to visit this factory and what you think in the comments. We’d love to hear from you! 🥮 (mooncake)


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