Business / Fianace

What 5 Factors Influence the USD Exchange Rate?

The United States Dollar (USD) stands as a linchpin in the global financial system, having immense influence on international trade, investments, and economies worldwide. The USD exchange rate, which measures its value against other currencies, is therefore a pivotal aspect that underpins economic transactions across borders. In this article, we’ll start go over what are …

How to Master Case Interviews Using The Issue Tree Framework

Case interviews are the crucible through which aspiring consultants (whether it’s in business or other fields) prove their mettle. These high-stakes simulations demand not just quick thinking but a structured, methodical approach to problem-solving. And that’s where the Issue Tree Framework comes into play. This article will dive deep into practical applications, sharing real-life case …

Baseball in Taiwan: Enter the Ballpark for Taiwanese Corporations

Baseball in Taiwan is no joke. A matter of national identity and pride, baseball also offers a glimpse into the conglomerates that own most of the products and services used in daily life in Taiwan. From foodstuffs, supermarkets and cafes to banks and online shopping, here are the six companies that dominate the corporate scene in Taiwan…along with baseball.

The Money Market and Its 7 Financial Instruments

Keywords: Money Market, Financial Instruments, Commercial Paper, Money Market Accounts (MMA), Money Market Funds, Treasury Bills (T-Bills), Banker’s Acceptance (BA), Repurchase Agreement (Repo), Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 1. What is the Money Market? The money market is defined as an exchange market where short-term loans and debt securities (with maturities of less than one year) …

The 5 Asset Classes

Asset Classes Assets are the subject of trading. Analysts generally group the financial assets with similar structure together and categorize them into five asset classes: Stocks, shares and equities Fixed income investment Cash equivalents Real estate Financial derivatives 1. Stocks, shares and equities Definition: Stocks, shares and equities are units of ownership in a company. …

How Russia-Ukraine Conflict is Affecting Taiwan Supply Chain: A Brief Introduction

Russia and Ukraine need no introduction; both nations are both home to a wealth of natural resources that contribute to supply chains across the globe. For Russia, Putin’s homeland supplies a host of other nations with its gas reserves, while Zelensky’s Ukraine produces raw materials for the tech industry as well as exporting key foodstuffs. …