The Money Market and Its 7 Financial Instruments

Keywords: Money Market, Financial Instruments, Commercial Paper, Money Market Accounts (MMA), Money Market Funds, Treasury Bills (T-Bills), Banker’s Acceptance (BA), Repurchase Agreement (Repo), Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 1. What is the Money Market? The money market is defined as an exchange market where short-term loans and debt securities (with maturities of less than one year) …

Jurisdiction over Crimes

Keywords: federal crimes, state crimes, jurisdiction over crimes When it comes to criminal law, jurisdiction is a crucial topic to understand since federal and state charges can be considerably different. In the United States, both federal and state courts can hear and adjudicate criminal cases. However, federal and state courts each have their own jurisdictions …

Fixed Income Securities 101 – Bonds and CDs

Keywords: Fixed income securities, government bonds, corporate bonds, CDs 1. Fixed income securities definition: Fixed income securities are financial instruments where investors offer capital (principal) to its issuer for exchange that the issuer will make periodic payments of fixed interests in addition to the eventual return of the principal when the security reaches maturity. Principal: …

Criminal Law and Procedure 101

Keywords: criminal law, criminal procedure, prosecution, sentencing, probation. 1. Civil law, criminal law and administrative laws are different areas of laws In the United States, the legal system is largely comprised of three divisions: civil, criminal, and administrative. Civil cases are private disputes between people; criminal cases are charges against the society; and administrative cases …

Strict Liability Tort

Keywords: Strict liability tort, strict liability vs negligence, strict liability tort examples 1. Strict liability tort definition Strict liability tort is the type of tort where a person is liable for injuries, regardless of what his/her intent or mental state was when causing the injuries. There are three common types of strict liability cases: (1) …

The 5 Asset Classes

Asset Classes Assets are the subject of trading. Analysts generally group the financial assets with similar structure together and categorize them into five asset classes: Stocks, shares and equities Fixed income investment Cash equivalents Real estate Financial derivatives 1. Stocks, shares and equities Definition: Stocks, shares and equities are units of ownership in a company. …

What GPA and LSAT Score Do You Need For Law School Early Decision Scholarships (2023)?

If you are looking for a guaranteed scholarship for law school, law school early decision might be something you want to consider! Below we have listed all the law school early decision scholarships, along with their rankings, tuitions, required GPA scores, and LSAT statistics. Check to see if you qualify for a scholarship! You might …