What is the Big Difference Between TOCFL and HSK in 2024?

Chinese Mandarin is an increasingly popular language taught in high schools, universities, and language centers across the world. But what tests can you take to confirm your proficiency? And which one should you take?

In this article, we’ll be talking about TOCFL vs HSK – the two most widely accepted Chinese tests. After providing a bit of information for each, we’ll dive into the difference between TOCFL and HSK, offer helpful tips on how to prepare for TOCFL, and finish with some FAQs.

What is the difference between TOCFL and HSK?

What is TOCFL?

TOCFL stands for Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language 華語文能力測驗, and is the Taiwanese version – or the Traditional Chinese version – of HSK. Created by Taiwan, the TOCFL exam has eight levels of proficiency which are split into four ‘bands’, excluding two Novices levels:

  • Band A (Level 1 and 2), which indicate beginner proficiency;
  • Band B (Level 3 and 4), which indicate intermediate to upper intermediate proficiency;
  • Band C (Level 5 and 6), which indicate advanced to fluent proficiency.

What is HSK?

HSK stands for Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi 汉语水平考试, and is the Chinese version – or Simplified Chinese version – of the TOCFL Chinese test. Created in China, the HSK features 9 levels where:

  • Level 1 to 2 indicates beginner;
  • Level 3 to 5 indicates lower to upper intermediate;
  • Level 6 to 9 indicates advanced to fluent.

Book your HSK Chinese test here.

What is the Difference Between TOCFL and HSK?

While the TOCFL and HSK are both Mandarin Chinese tests that are globally recognized qualifications, there are still many differences between TOCFL and HSK tests. Four key differences, in fact, which are the:

1. Location of testing body

The obvious main differences is the testing body location: Taiwan or China

2. Character sets

simplified vs Traditional

Tip: TOCFL actually offers both tests in both Simplified and Traditional Chinese, although when considering how to prepare for TOCFL most books will be in Traditional Chinese.

3. Grading systems

How their grades relate to each other, e.g. A2 is HSK3 etc. – make an infographic

4. Test sections

  • Writing section vs. no writing section in TOCFL

How to Prepare for TOCFL?

How do I study for TOCFL?

register for TOCFL

Unlike for the HSK which is held by Confucius Institutes around the world, finding a test center for TOCFL Chinese tests can be tricky when taken abroad.

FAQs about HSK and TOCFL

🧐Is TOCFL harder than HSK?

Any exam is hard if you don’t revise. Even so, most applicants swear that TOCFL is harder than HSK since there is a higher – and harder – grading system in place. HSK, on the other hand, is considered hard since it’s more comprehensive, including a writing section and requiring knowledge of plenty vocabulary.

🧐Which should I take: HSK or TOCFL?

This is entirely dependent on your educational aspirations and/or professional career aspirations. Those thinking of moving to Taiwan should definitely take the TOCFL, as this will open up more job opportunities for you as well as help with any educational program you may want to enter, since B1 is the minimum for many Chinese taught master’s programs in Taiwan.

🧐Can I use my HSK result in Taiwan?

Regardless of whether you’re planning to enroll at universities in China or in a Chinese-taught masters in Taiwan as an international student, you can still use your HSK result for admission as long as it’s at least HSK 4.

However, if you’re planning on applying for jobs in Taiwan where Mandarin is the language of communication, it would be better to have a TOCFL certificate because this is more widely known than HSK. 


Hopefully this article cleared up some questions you had about the TOCFL vs HSK issue and explained what is the difference between TOCFL and HSK. While they’re both Chinese language tests, there are some key differences that will determine which test is more appropriate for you to take, such as characters, grading systems, and testing availability.

That said, the main difference boils down to whether you want to study and work in Taiwan or in China. Lucky for you, Covert Profession has plenty of resources for studying in Taiwan, such as:

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difference between TOCFL and HSK


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