Month: May 2022

Law School Full-Ride Scholarship Bulletin 2022

This Bulletin provides latest information regarding law school full-ride scholarships opportunities. It will be updated frequently and new scholarship programs will be added every week.  Law School Full-Ride Scholarship Opportunities University of California-Berkeley (No.9 ) Tuition (In-State): $49,325     Tuition (Out-of-State): $53,276 Location: Berkeley, CA The Berkeley Law Opportunity Scholarship (BLOS) offers full tuition scholarship for …

The Federal Court System

1.How was the federal court system created? Article III of the United States Constitution establishes the federal court system to administer justice fairly and impartially. Through Article III of the Constitution, the people grant the judge authority to adjudicate criminal and civil matters arising under federal law and certain enumerated areas. “Section 1 of Article …

How Russia-Ukraine Conflict is Affecting Taiwan Supply Chain: A Brief Introduction

Russia and Ukraine need no introduction; both nations are both home to a wealth of natural resources that contribute to supply chains across the globe. For Russia, Putin’s homeland supplies a host of other nations with its gas reserves, while Zelensky’s Ukraine produces raw materials for the tech industry as well as exporting key foodstuffs. …